Anchalika Thepnumsommanus
One Buddhist One Sect
Site Location : Mahachulalongkorn Buddhist University
With the knowledge of architecture offers me to develop strong design thinking skills. Finding solutions by approaching them thoroughly through research, creative thought process, and captivating graphic visualizations/animations which could be applied to various skillset as being a designer.

The project explores how religion like Buddhism influenced the way student housing where designed to accommodate a diverse routines of monks. From Mahachulalongkorn, to the spread of a syncretic religion “Zenjravarna”. Due to its diversity between routines and practice of each Buddhism sections, the project proposes that Buddhism should be universal, it is unfair that they have different code of conduct at the end their aim is to reach enlightenment but in a different way. The barge that visually developed from the concept of eclectic, by merging of different cultures and invents a new society for monks.

The project explores how religion like Buddhism influenced the way student housing where designed to accommodate a diverse routines of monks. From Mahachulalongkorn, to the spread of a syncretic religion “Zenjravarna”.

Due to its diversity between routines and practice of each Buddhism sections, the project proposes that Buddhism should be universal, it is unfair that they have different code of conduct at the end their aim is to reach enlightenment but in a different way. The barge that visually developed from the concept of eclectic, by merging of different cultures and invents a new society for monks.