"The False Future"
Site Location : Singapore
“The False Future”, is a cautionary tale accelerating the increasing dominance of large tech corporations and online media in our daily activities. Set 250 years after Etienne-Louis Boullée’s Temple to Nature and Reason, celebrating Newton’s scientific discoveries and the sublime of the natural world, the project is a speculative architectural proposal for a temple to data, information, and knowledge that celebrates a new rendition of the sublime:
“The great technological sublime.”

Sansar Virtual World Exhibition Space
Situated in the unitary state of Singapore, the project explores the monopolisation of our cultural and historical record by a single entity that promises to amass all the world's data into a single platform - not unlike the large corporations that we are completely tethered to today. This AI platform, the Nexalus, collects, stores, and re-presents this information back to the user. But whose truth does it retrieve? How do we distinguish fact from historical reconstruction with a political or monetary agenda in this new information age where all our records are stored in a cloud belonging to one entity? Narrated through the voice of the Nexalus, False Future is simultaneously a homage to the technological sublime and a critique to current trends in online developments.